GDS-II Postprocessing Tool Help

Info on how to use the program using the Graphical Interface

Click in the picture below for help, or read here some info on how to operate the program.

Working with the GDS-II tool
The GDS-II Postprocessing Tool can be used to modify GDS-II files. It's also possible to save files in other formats. There are a few things that you should know when working with the program.

Using shortcuts and Tools

Interactive drawing and editing is organized around toolcontroller, the toolcontroller maintains a stack of initiated tools. Every new tool is added to this stack. This makes it possible to draw e.g. a polygon and in the mean time zoom in to a specific area and draw some more points of the polygon. In the status bar is shown which tool is active at the moment and how many commands are on the stack.There are two kinds of behaviour for the tools, the first is continuous, the other oneshot. For instance pressing 'm' will put the moving tool on the stack, left clicking on a selected items and draging the mouse will move all selected items.The move tool will stay active until 'esc' is pressed or endcommand from the popup menu is pressed. If we are in the zoom tool (first level), left clicking in a selected element will intiate the move tool for moving the selected items, and after this remove the move tool from the stack in order to return to zooming mode.

In all tools the shit and control keys will start the select and deselect tools for one shot. As soon as the key is released we return back to the previous tool.

Depending on the active tool, mouse clicks work different. In general editing tools work on selected elements only and will start at a left click in/on a selected element.

The following short cuts are defined for the canvas.

Select/Deselect keys:

Function keys:

Drawing keys (to draw primitives on the current insert layer which is visible in the status bar):

Edit keys:

Zooming/scrolling keys:

Using the speedbar
The speedbar can be used to quickly execute frequently used commands. Clicking in the picture of the speedbar below will lead you to the equivalent menu command that explains the function.


Using the statusbar
In the statusbar info about the program and current file is available. The bar is split in five sections:


tools menu popup menu